Prevent waste by buying less and reusing what you have.

Consumer Responsibility
To achieve zero waste, consumers must also take responsibility for their consumption. Here are some ideas for how you can reduce waste every day. 

Producer Responsibility
Companies must recognize their responsibility in producing goods that result in less waste upstream and downstream.

Food Waste Prevention at Home
Prevent waste by shopping locally, storing food properly, and checking if food is safe or spoiled.

Rethink Disposable
Rethink single-use disposables, and bring your own mug and tote bag to reduce waste.

Stop Junk Mail and Unwanted Phonebooks
Prevent junk mail and phonebooks from arriving at your door! Here are some resources to help prevent waste from unwanted solicitations. 


Polystyrene Foam and the Food Service and Packaging Waste Reduction Ordinance
The Food Service Waste Reduction Ordinance prohibits the use of polystyrene foam food service ware and requires the use of food ware that is compostable or recyclable. 

Checkout Bag Ordinance
San Francisco's Checkout Bag Ordinance went into effect on October 1, 2012. Get all the information you need to know about how the ordinance affects you.