Bees and other pollinators and insects in general are declining. Pollinators (bees, birds, butterflies and bats) are necessary for the health of our food crops, and insects - after plants - are the foundation of our natural ecosystems.

Bee-curious? Bird watcher?

Learn about how your neighbors are supporting bees and other pollinators:

Pollinators and insects in general are experiencing extreme stress, not only through large-scale loss of their native habitats, but also through the application of systemic pesticides. San Franciscans can play a role in helping pollinators and promoting healthy ecosystems by installing pollinator-friendly gardens that are less toxic, use less water and promote biodiversity.

Green thumb? Starting a garden?

If you're starting or redoing a garden, or growing a potted plant, you can grow food and habitat to support local pollinators. 

Pollinator gardens attract bees, birds, and butterflies, as well as add beauty and life to your garden! Here's how to grow food and habitat for pollinators:

San Francisco is located in a global biodiversity hotspot.

Related Content 
Protect the Pollinators Flyer (PDF)  
Nature in San Francisco 
City Trees 
San Francisco Carbon Fund 
Climate Action:  ROOTS 
Food Gardens 
Bee City USA Designation (SF Board of Supervisors) 
Urban Greening Areas Report (PDF) 

Press Releases 
To Save Local Bees, San Francisco to Make Pollinator Protection City Policy 
Para salvar a las abejas locales, San Francisco hará que sea política de la Ciudad proteger a los polinizadores (PDF)  
為了拯救本地蜜蜂,三藩市將制定市政策保護授粉者 (PDF)

Additional Resources 
San Francisco Supervisors to pass bill to protect bees, KRON 4, Sept. 12, 2016 
Learn more about Bee City USA!


epeolus_minimus_credit Rollin Coville