There are certain requirements for San Francisco property owners before they sell their property.

If you are preparing to sell your property, the Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance requires homeowners to do the following: 

  • Obtain a valid inspection
  • Install basic energy and water conservation devices or materials
  • Then obtain a certificate of compliance

Water conservation devices and measures include: Low flow shower heads, efficient faucets and faucet aerators, efficient toilets, and leak repair.

Energy conservation devices and measures may include: Insulating attic space, weather stripping doors, insulating hot water heaters, caulking and sealing openings in building exteriors, insulating accessible heating and cooling ducts.  

Not preparing to sell your property yet? Even if you do not intend to sell your property in the foreseeable future, the benefits of making energy and water improvements are immediate, including saving money and improving comfort.

Additional Resources

Residential Energy Conservation and Water Conservation Requirements (PDF)
Residential Energy Conservation Ordinance (USDOE)