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Resolution in Support of Board of Supervisor's Resolution and Ordinance Approving the CleanPowerSF Program
Resolution 002-12-UFC Amends the Urban Forestry Council Bylaws to change the Planning and Funding Committee and Landmark Tree AdHoc Committee meeting schedules.
Resolution 003-12-UFC recommends amendment of the Landmark Tree Nomination form to the Board of Supervisors.
Zero Waste Grant Approvals for Fiscal Year 2012-13 approved by the Commission on the Environment on July 24, 2012. Resolution No. 004-12-COE, File 2012-04-COE.
Ordinance to require the owners of existing commercial buildings to either provide secure bicycle parking in their buildings or allow their tenants to bring their bicycles into the building.
The SF street tree recommendations list was developed to improve coordination of the urban forest...
San Francisco Biodiversity Policy--Commission on the Environment

This resolution aims to reduce negative impacts to human health and the environment through the development of specifications for City purchase. 

Restaurants, delis, fast food establishments, vendors at fairs, food trucks, and all City facilities and contractors are required by law to use compostable or recyclable to-go containers. No Styrofoam™.


Regulation No. SFE 05-02-PPO establishes public participation guidelines for implementation of the Precautionary Purchasing Ordinance (Ord. No. 115-05).