Outdoor air quality refers to the air surrounding us when we are outdoors.  Also known as ambient air quality, it is affected by weather conditions, wind, and the distance from major sources of pollution such as industrial facilities and the traffic on nearby freeways.


Reducing Diesel Pollution
San Francisco promotes use of cleaner, alternative fuels. We encourage private and public fleets to use biodiesel fuel to help reduce toxic air contaminants from diesel vehicles that can be harmful to public health.

Bayview Hunters Point Community Diesel Pollution Reduction Project
SF Environment conducted a study of diesel pollution sources in the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood.

Clean Construction Ordinance (Department of Public Health)
In April 2007, the City and County of San Francisco adopted an Ordinance requiring public projects to reduce emissions at construction sites starting in 2009. In March 2015, the City expanded the existing Ordinance to require public projects to further reduce emissions at construction sites in certain areas with high levels of background concentrations of air pollutants.

Related Downloads

BVHP Diesel Pollution Reduction Project Report (PDF, 2009)