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Resolution adopting the 2016 San Francisco Street Tree Recommendation List.
Resolution commending Sandy Sherwin for her service and dedication to the San Francisco Urban Forestry Council.
Resolution commending John Leffingwell for his service and dedication to the San Francisco Urban Forestry Council.
Resolution commending Dr. Ana Alvarez for her service and dedication to the Urban Forestry Council.
Resolution amending the Urban Forestry Council's Bylaws Article VI – Meetings, Section 1: Quorum to change quorum requirements for Urban Forestry Council meetings.
Resolution amending the Urban Forestry Council's Bylaws Article III – Urban Forestry Council, Section 1: Number, to change the composition of Urban Forestry Council membership.
Resolution adopting the 2015 San Francisco Street Tree Recommendations List.
Resolution amending the Urban Forestry Council's Bylaws to combine Committees and change the composition of the Landmark Tree Committee.
Urban Forestry Council commendation resolution for Member Emeritus Mike Barrow, SFPUC Representative.
Commendation Resolution by the Urban Forestry Council for Council Member William Brock Most
Resolution adopting the 2014 San Francisco Street Tree Recommendations List.
Resolution Endorsing the Urban Forest Plan: Phase One, Street Trees
Urban Forestry Resolution commending Dr Larry Costello for his service to the Urban Forestry Council adopted on March 28, 2014.
Resolution Amending Urban Forestry Council Membership and Meeting Requirements in Chapter 12 of the Environment Code.

Urban Forestry Council Resolution endorsing the Green Connections Plan and implementation of the Green Connections Network adopted on March 28, 2014.
Resolution Amending Urban Forestry Council Membership and Meeting Requirements in Chapter 12 of the Environment Code
Urban Forestry Council Resolution Endorsing the Draft Urban Forest Plan: Phase One, Street Trees
Resolution commending Council Member Kelaine Vargas for her service to the Urban Forestry Council
Resolution amending the Urban Forestry Council's Bylaws Article VIII – Committees, Section 4 to change the meeting time of the Urban Forestry Council Planning and Policy Committee.
Resolution commending Melinda Stockmann for her service and dedication to the City and County of San Francisco’s Urban Forestry Council and for improving San Francisco’s urban forest.
Resolution commending Chris Buck for his service and dedication to the City and County of San Francisco’s Urban Forestry Council and for improving San Francisco’s urban forest.
Resolution commending Dan Sider for his service and dedication to the City and County of San Francisco’s Urban Forestry Council and for improving San Francisco’s urban forest.
Resolution amending the Urban Forestry Council's Bylaws Article VIII-Committees, to change the meeting structure, membership requirements, and schedule of Urban Forestry Council Committees.
Commendation Resolution for Council Member Emeritus Megan Morris Sutherland
Resolution recommending amendments to Public Works Code and Landmark Grove Nomination Form